0-2000 ppm, 1 ppm resolution
Infrared gas analysis, differential open system, auto zero, automatic atmospheric pressure and temperature compensation.
0-75 mbar, 0.1 mbar resolution
Two laser trimmed, fast response water vapor sensors.
0-3000 μmols/m2-sec.
Silicon photocell.
Chamber temperature:
-5 to 50 degrees C.
Precision thermistor
+/- 0.2 degrees C accuracy.
Direct leaf temperature:
-5 to 50 degrees C
Self positioning microchip thermistor / Energy balance / manually positioned thermistor.
Flow rate to leaf chamber:
100 to 500 ml /min.
Gas connections:
3 mm barbed.
Warm up time:
5 minutes at 20 degrees C.
240 x 64 dot matrix super twist graphic LCD.
Recorded data:
Removable SD cards typically store 16 million sets of data on a 1Gb card.
2.8Ah 12V lead acid battery
Up to 10 hours life between charges.
Battery charger:
Universal input voltage, Intelligent control.
USB connection:
Functions as mass storage device.
RS232 output:
9 Pin ”D” type.
User-selectable rates of up to 230,400 baud for computer or printer connection.
Operating temperature range:
5 to 45 degrees C.
Dimensions H x W x D:
Console: 240 x 125 x 140 mm.
Plant leaf chamber: 300 x 80 x 75 mm.
Console: 2.4kg.
Plant leaf chamber: 0.6kg.